Database Software Development Videos and Tutorials - MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, NoSQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL
Tag: <span>open source</span>

Battle of NoSQL Stars: Amazon’s SDB vs Mongoid vs CouchDB vs RavenDB

This video dives into the target audiences and differences in NoSQL storage, how to implement them and what this NoSQL thing is all about. It discusses how SQL has limits when you get to web-scale and how NoSQL bypasses these limits. It shows an example application deployment using Rails 3 …

What’s new in Hibernate: a JPA 2 perspective

This Jazoon 2010 session presents the new features of Hibernate and in particular the one coming from Java Persistence 2. Itl explores the new type-safe Criteria API as well as its close brother the new Hibernate Static metamodel generator; the new locking options and their consequences for your applications; Infinispan’s …